
Welcome to StakeStone

StakeStone is an omni-chain LST (Liquid Staking Token) protocol aiming to bring native staking yields and liquidity to Layer 2s in a decentralized manner. With its highly scalable architecture, StakeStone not only supports leading staking pools but is also compatible with the upcoming restaking. Meanwhile, it establishes a multi-chain liquidity market based on STONE, StakeStone’s native LST, provides users of STONE with more use cases and yield opportunities.

StakeStone pioneers the first decentralized solution for liquid staking through an innovative mechanism called the Optimizing Portfolio and Allocation Proposal(OPAP). Unlike traditional approaches that rely on MPC wallets, StakeStone provides full transparency for underlying assets and yields. Meanwhile, OPAP allows optimization of STONE’s underlying assets, ensuring STONE holders to receive optimized staking yields automatically and effortlessly.

Based on LayerZero, STONE is a non-rebase OFT (Omnichain Fungible Token) that supports both assets and prices to be transferred across multiple blockchains seamlessly. Developers on Layer2s can effortlessly integrate STONE without additional complexities, leaving it as the most accessible LST ready for mass adoption.

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